Alternative energy


With 320 days of sunshine a year and a slope of only 1-3%, Lea County provides an advantageous location for alternative energies including wind, solar, and nuclear. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory ranks New Mexico among the top 10 states for wind potential and has given the EnergyPlex its Global Solar Rank of between 63 and 66 percent.

In addition to wind and solar, the EnergyPlex is committed to advancing the role of the nuclear industry and has the support from local and state leaders that is necessary to accommodate the complex requirements inherent in the construction and operation of a nuclear-related facility.


Lea county is full of wide open spaces and is one of the best locations for wind and solar in the state!

The EnergyPlex® is
  • Nuclear
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Potash

Solar energy
0 Mw
Average Salary
$ 0
Wind Energy
0 Mw

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Safely disposing of the nation's transuranic waste

Urenco Usa

The national Enrichment facility


Advanced Energy Deduction and Advanced Energy Tax Credit
Receipts from selling or leasing tangible personal property or services that are eligible generation plant costs to a person that holds an interest in a qualified generating facility are deductible from gross receipts and compensating tax. In addition, a taxpayer who holds an interest in a qualified generating facility in New Mexico that files a corporate income tax return may claim a credit for six percent (6%) of the eligible generation plant costs of a qualified facility.

Alternative Energy Product Manufacturer’s Tax Credit
Manufacturers of certain alternative energy products may receive a tax credit not to exceed five percent (5%) of qualified expenditures for purchase of manufacturing equipment used in the manufacturing operation. This credit is designed to stimulate the development of new alternative energy manufacturing facilities.

Biodiesel Blending Facility Tax Credit
An operator of a refinery in New Mexico, any person who blends special fuel in New Mexico, or the owner of special fuel stored at a pipeline terminal in New Mexico, who installs biodiesel blending equipment for the purpose of establishing or expanding in a facility to produce blended biodiesel fuel is eligible to claim a credit against gross receipts tax or compensating tax. A certificate of eligibility must be obtained from the Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department to apply for this credit. The credit is equal to 30% of the purchase cost of the equipment plus 30% of the cost of installing that equipment. The credit cannot exceed $50,000 with respect to equipment installed at any one facility. The credit may be applied against the taxpayer’s gross receipts tax liability or compensating tax liability. The credit may be carried forward for four years from the date of the certificate of eligibility.

Biomass-Related Equipment and Materials Deduction
The value of equipment such as a boiler, turbine-generator, storage facility, feed-stock processor, interconnection transformer or biomass material used for bio-power, bio-fuels, or bio-based products may be deducted in computing the compensating tax due.

Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
A corporate or personal taxpayer who owns a qualified energy generator is eligible for a tax credit in an amount equal to one cent (.01) per kilowatt hour of electricity produced by the qualified energy generator using a qualified energy resource in the tax year. A variable rate of credit is added for electricity produced using solar energy. The rate starts at 1.5 cents in the first year of operation and increases in increments of ½ cent each of the next five years, to a maximum of four cents, and then will decline by 1/2 cent per year in the next four years to two cents in the tenth year of operation. The one cent per kilowatt hour rate applies for all other qualified energy generation facilities. The facility must generate a minimum of one megawatt. The total amount of electricity that can qualify for the corporate and individual income tax credits is two million megawatts for wind and biomass with an additional 500,000 megawatt hours allowed for solar-generated power.