Industrial Parks
The EnergyPlex Park, located between Hobbs and Lovington, has more than 8,000 acres available and can be parceled as needed. Low-cost utilities, rail and highway access, and high-speed telecommunications are available to the park.
It is located off NM 18 and NM 180 and the eastern parcels are near to the shortline railroad TXN operated by Watco. There are no impact or inventory fees, and an engineering/environmental study and Phase 1 Master Plan have already been completed for the site.
Two sections of the EnergyPlex Park have been site certified by Xcel Energy and an independent site certification company!
Located on NM Hwy 18, in Hobbs, HIAP has a total of 3,000 acres with 1,000 acres for development and 90 acres with full infrastructure. There is no zoning, except for city protective covenants and available, shovel-ready sites for light industrial have full infrastructure, including telecommunications and access to rail.
- Completed HUD Approved NEPA
- Infrastructure includes Electricity, Water, Sewer, and Natural Gas
- Rail Access: New Mexico & Texas Railway (TXN)
- Distance to nearest major highway: 0 miles to NM 18; 5 miles to US 62-180
- Nearest 4-lane major highway: NM 18 and US 62-180
- Distance to nearest airport: 5 miles, Lea County Regional Airport
- Located on NM Hwy 18, 2 miles south of Lovington
- Several choice locations, can be parcelled as needed
- Access to water and electricity
- High-speed internet and fiber available through TDS
- Access to rail
- Long term leases (10 year) starting as low as $1 per acre per year
- A Local Economic Development Gross Receipts Tax could be used to assist with the cost of extending the needed infrastructure
- Zoning: Industrial